Spotlight On: The Galloway School
Galloway - Chastain
215 Chastain Park Ave., NW
Atlanta, Georgia 30342
The Galloway School is a community where learning is joyful, individuals are valued, and self-discovery is encouraged. Galloway students confidently embrace challenges while developing the knowledge, skills, and cultural competence to thrive as enlightened contributors in their chosen pathways.
About Galloway:
750 Students
102 Faculty
Kindergarten through 12th grade
25% Students of Color
8:1 Student - Teacher Ratio
Head of School: Dr. James Calleroz White
K - 4th -$25,625
5th-8th - $28,075
9th-12th - $29,950
+$2,500 enrollment deposit
Project based curriculum
Experiential learning at every level
16 AP Courses
Written Evaluations sent home 3 to 4 times a year
Open Participation
No Student Ranking
No School Uniforms
10 Sports Teams: soccer, volleyball, cross country, track and field, golf softball, swimming, diving, baseball and tennis
80% of students play one sport
60 Art Electives
17 music ensembles
11 dedicated arts spaces
Middle and Upper Level students have over 40 electives to choose from including marine biology, policy debate, game design, improv, and guitar.
45 different student run clubs in the Upper Level with the ability to start their own clubs.
Admissions Events:
Campus Tour (On Campus), October through January - Tuesdays and Thursdays after school and select Saturdays
Parent to Parent Evenings (Virtual), November and January
Get to Know Galloway (Virtual), October through January
Coffee & Curriculum (Virtual), January
Student Experience Panel (Virtual), January
Families of Color Coffee & Conversation (Virtual), January
College Counseling:
Galloway college counselors strive to match students with the school that is most suited to their interest and goals.
The 2021 class of 69 students enrolled in 48 colleges and universities.
All courses are college preparatory by design and content.
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