Empowering students to thrive.

Tips and Tricks: K-12

Tips and Tricks for Navigating the Independent School Application Process


A required component for K-5 applicants, this standardized cognitive test involves a complicated registration process. This year, with the impact of COVID-19, JATP testing has changed.

Learn how to:

Register and Schedule

Prepare for JATP in COVID-19

Prepare for a Virtual JATP

Understand the Impact of the JATP

Tips and Tricks for Test Day

All you Need to Know

A Guide to the JATP

Demystifying the JATP

A required component of 6-12 applicants, this standardized test evaluates verbal, math, and reading skills in order to predict independent school success.

Tips to Prepare for the SSAT

Applications, Evaluations, and School Tours

As a part of the independent school applications, schools require a Ravenna application. We share insights on how best to create a Ravenna account and submit a competitive application. While school tours look a little different in the age of COVID-19, we recommend insight to keep in mind—whether in person or virtual

What You Need to Know About Ravenna

What to Ask on School Tours

Best Questions to Ask on a School Tour

The Best School Environment Based On Your Child’s Enneagram Type