Empowering students to thrive.


Demystifying the JATP (Joint Admissions Testing Program), a required cognitive assessment for K-5 applicants.

Demystifying the JATP

If you’re reading this, more than likely, you’re considering a new school home for your Lower School kiddo next year. We recommend that families give themselves 6-12 months of runway to fully investigate their options. For families with Lower School learners (grades K-5), a standardized cognitive test is required for all applicants. We strongly encourage parents to understand the “BTH” of paperwork and portals before the flurry of Open Houses even hits. By getting ahead of things like JATP registration and Ravenna, families are able to put themselves in a strategic position going into an-already stressful season of the holidays (which, coincidentally, is when the bulk of Open Houses are).

Today, we want to demystify the angst and stress surrounding the Joint Admissions Testing Program (JATP), a required standardized cognitive test for grades K-5.

What Is It?

• AAAIS (Atlanta Area Association of Independent Schools) has partnered with member psychologists to streamline the admissions process as best they can--by establishing a Joint Admissions Testing Program (JATP) for applicants in grades K-5. This evaluation meets the testing requirements of JATP member schools and can only be administered once per twelve months.

Expert Tip: Before the flurry of the holidays (and before Atlanta-Area psychologists get booked up), we strongly encourage families to make an appointment as soon as possible. Lean into the understanding of what time of day your child performs best—is it early morning before school? Right after lunch? Book an appointment accordingly.

How Much Is It?

Get in with an early bird discount! Testing applications received by December 8th are $210. Afterwards, test fees increase to $240. An optional feedback session fee runs at $200. 

Expert Tip: We strongly encourage families to opt in for the feedback session. Not only is this session a thorough explanation of the score report that has been sent to chosen schools, but it’s a unique opportunity for a peek into how your child learns and views the world. What a gift!

Who Are the Member Schools?

• Atlanta Area Member Schools Include: Galloway, Heritage Prep, Holy Innocents',  Lovett, Mount Vernon Presbyterian, Pace Academy, St. Francis Schools, St. Martin's, Trinity, Walker School, Wesleyan, Westminster, and Whitefield. 

Expert Tip: Check on Ravenna if your selected schools require the JATP Registration Form, a common downloadable form that asks for your signature to release score reports from the child psychologist on your child’s behalf to denoted schools.

How Do I Register?

JATP testing for applicants interested in the 2020-2021 school year begins in October! JATP registration can be submitted at any time. Just remember that no school will consider a JATP evaluation until application has been completed (this is the first step).

Expert Tip: Knock this off your to-do list first! If you have a Lower School learner, the JATP registration should be one of the first things you tackle on your list.

1. Registration and payment for testing is electronic. From the JATP website, download the PDF registration form, complete information, save to your computer, and email completed PDF directly to the psychologist of your choiceRemember to indicate school(s) of your choice and respond to all questions and information on your form. You may only submit JATP registration to a single psychologist. 

Expert Tip: We cannot ethically endorse a single psychologist, but the JATP website includes a list of Atlanta-area experts who administer this test. Realize that the JATP is not a coachable test and if a psychologist expects that any tutoring or prep work has been done to prepare the student prior to the evaluation, such will be noted on the report.

2. The psychologist will contact you for an appointment (upon receipt of your registration and payment). All testing appointments are made by individual psychologists--not by schools. Testing begins next month for the 2019-2020 school year. There is truly no advantage to waiting later in the school year under the guise that your child will be "older and more mature." Norms of the standardized tests used in JATP compare students within a narrow age range. Waiting until closer to the admissions deadline will just increase stress and may limit your appointment options. 

Expert Tip: Get in with the Early Bird discount and select your psychologist today!

3. After confirming your testing appointment, add your psychologist's information directly in your Ravenna account. Enter your psychologist's name and contact information in the appropriate field within any one of your school applications. A school application only has to be started (not necessarily completed) in Ravenna and you only need to add the psychologist one time. You will not receive test results until this step is completed.  

4. Results of testing is sent electronically to the school(s) indicated through the Ravenna system. Friday, February 8, 2020 is the deadline for test results to be received by the schools. 

Expert Tip: We require that all WLG families be completed with their supplemental materials by 12/31. However, there are outstanding requirements (such as AAAIS evaluation forms and, in some cases, JATP results) that may bleed into the New Year. However, our strategic approach is unique in that we aim to get all loose ties finished up by the holidays to eliminate stress on each family.

5. Expect to receive results and test score summary by email or mail (postmarked within 10 days after testing). 

Expert Tip: If families do not elect to pay for the optional feedback session, they can still expect to receive an update by email that the psychologist has sent in their child’s test score summary and results to the selected schools.

All information for registration can be found directly on the JATP website

Rebekka Whitehead