To boost your child’s study skills, you’ll need to take a holistic approach to strengthening the tools that keep them on task, on time with all the supplies they need to stay focused when doing homework or studying for a test. Although motivation certainly plays a role, it’s essential to remember that “action sparks motivation;” not the other way around. Start with these basic tips to prepare your student to fully engage in their studies.
Read MoreWe highlight initial data from the 2022 Nation’s Report Card. This first tranche will show us long-term trends for America’s nine-year-olds, giving us a snapshot of their academic progress and math and reading skills before and after the Covid pandemic.
Read MoreSeven proven calendar strategies to maximize efficiency and productivity as your family embarks on another school year.
Read MoreIn order for your family to function at its best and to reap the benefits, it is important to identify and understand what you want to be about including goals, beliefs, and values. How to create a mission statement of your own that will guide your family through all of life’s highs and lows.
Read MoreAs changes in cognitive processes and abilities develop from birth to adulthood, we may be able to witness specific examples of each of the following stages of cognitive development. How to monitor and promote cognitive growth in every developmental stage.
Read MoreA sweet list of our favorite back-to-school read-alouds! Stock up on a few of these titles to incorporate during your bedtime routines during August.
Read MoreWant to bring along a little happy to your child's Meet the Teacher event? Check out Lucy’s Market for the best basket ideas!
Read MoreWhile many parents tout their desire to raise responsible, resilient, and independent adults, Lahey argues modern parenting strategies inhibit our progress towards this goal. Don’t miss this month’s pick, “The Gift of Failure” by Jessica Lahey.
Read MoreBacked by the latest scientific evidence and illustrated with examples of what’s being done right in schools today, this book introduces the “6Cs” collaboration, communication, content, critical thinking, creative innovation, and confidence along with ways parents can nurture their children’s development in each area.
Read MoreWith some schools around the country reopening in mid-August, many of us are already seeing ads for school supplies, backpacks, lunchboxes, and fall clothes. For some families, the return to school comes with a sense of excitement for familiar faces, new friends, the challenge of new classes, and participation in sports and other extracurricular activities. But for others, the return to homework, standardized tests, and projects can come with anxiety.
Read MoreMoving schools this year is a big change. Whether you’re moving across town or to the other side of the world, this transition can cause emotional tension. Changing schools is the challenge now, but we realize that life yields adjustments again and again and so we want to partner with parents as they help their children and teens navigate the hurdle before them. So, we’ve developed a reading list to support the whole family—both parent and student—throughout this often stressful process.
Read MoreYou’re not alone if the word “homework” conjures images of avoidance, tears and frustration. As a parent, it’s tough to find a happy medium between “nagging” your student to complete even the simplest assignments on time and feeling compassion for their struggles to learn, understand and stay focused. We’ve got 7 tips to help you get a head start on the new school year, make homework easier and reduce frustration for the entire family.
Read MoreWant to raise kind, empathetic, compassionate kids? Some secrets from Harvard shows parents how.
Read MoreThe 6 A's of Good Parenting: How Affirmation, Acceptance, Appreciation, Availability, Affection, and Accountability.
Read MoreChanging schools is the challenge now, but we realize that life yields adjustments again and again and so we want to partner with parents as they help their children and teens navigate the hurdle before them. So, we’ve developed a practical guide for children, teens, and parents as they navigate the process of changing schools.
Read MoreWhile play is certainly an important part of any child’s (or teen’s) summer, too much freedom or lack of any routine can sometimes be detrimental. For parents who are also trying to keep their kids’ brains engaged to reduce the impact of the “Summer Slide”—the significant learning loss that occurs over the summer break, we’ve got some recommendations.
Read MoreTips and tricks to navigate the new school year!
Read MoreA child’s home life and preschool learning environment plays a pivotal role in their holistic social-emotional development, a hallmark in assessing kindergarten readiness. We’ve listed some tips to help you prepare for your preschool for the kindergarten classroom.
Read MoreHow to use your child’s learning style to create consistent, safe after-school routines.
Read MoreThe inside scoop on school uniforms for Atlanta Area Private Schools. When and where to buy everything your child needs for the upcoming school year.
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