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5 Habits to Increase Joyful Productivity While Working from Home

During this unprecedented time, the majority of employers have moved to encourage #WTH (working from home). With parents now balancing working with supervising academic time and supporting digital learning platforms, it can be a difficult time to navigate. Below, I’ve included 5 daily habits to implement joyful productivity while working from home.

• Have a Quiet Time. 

Right now, I'm working my way through "Live in Grace, Walk in Love" by @BobGoff. This is a guaranteed way to rev up my morning and get me in the right mindset to conquer the day.

• Get in a Sweat Sesh.

I can't miss this one. For my own mental clarity/Type A self. Amidst the marathon cancellations, I'm still in "training mode" and keep up with my daily distance routine.

• Brew Coffee. 

Gets me in the mood to conquer the day. Currently trying to limit by caffeine intake, so it’s one cup of black followed by one cup of decaf, but either way—my favorite way to start the morning.

 Connect 4.

Each afternoon at 2pm, my alarm goes off, prompting me to reach out and connect with 4 people (who are at the bottom of my texting app). Thanks to @JosephHarbinger for this genius hack. 

• Get Outside.

 A must for my personality, too. Just even a few minutes outside (sometimes, strategically scheduled during a conference call) does wonders. 

How are you navigating this new WFH movement? Comment below!