Empowering students to thrive.


Industry insights for academic advisement, private school placement, and college planning.

Posts in Academic Advisement
Avoiding the Summer Slump

Susie shares how it’s important to keep your kids learning throughout the summer months so they don’t lose all their hard work and learning from the school year. Instead of practice workbooks, make learning something your kids will want to do this summer with these ideas for summer learning disguised as fun!

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Stress in Children

The waiting game of the application season can unnecessarily foster stress and worry in even the strongest of children. Suddenly, the swirling ideas of the unknown, leaving old friends and making new ones, navigating new routines and environments can leave children riddled with fear and anxiety. Our friends at Spark and Stitch Institute tackle the value of worry—within the goal of equipping students with the tools to manage anxiety head-on.

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Benefits of Tech in the Classroom

Technology in the classroom is becoming more and more predominant. Teachers are learning how to teach with emerging technologies while students are using advanced technology to shape how they learn. By embracing and integrating technology in the classroom, teachers are setting students up for a successful life outside of school. Here are a few benefits of using technology in the classroom.

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Classroom Organization Techniques

From my time in the lower school classroom, I fondly remember harping (teaching?) organization skills to sometimes-messy 3rd and 4th-graders. In these “black holes” of desks, student assignments seem hopelessly lost, never to be seen again (or at least until the student spends 10 minutes of precious learning time searching for it to find it in a crumpled ball).

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Teaching Phonics

In English, there are around 44 sounds or phonemes. Given that there are only 26 letters used in the language, and that many sounds have more than one possible spelling, it is helpful that students learn the relationships between the letters and sounds in a straightforward and explicit manner.

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Understanding Cognitive Skills Testing

Cognitive skills testing helps identify whether weak cognitive skills are present, which may be keeping a student from achieving his or her full potential. Expected cognitive skill abilities change based upon age. Results can be affected by various circumstances. Learn about the different types of skills assessed in the Woodcock-Johnson IV.

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What Is An Educational Psych Evaluation?

I recently had the opportunity to sit down with Dr. Molly Kramer, an associate with KMP Atlanta Psychology. We discussed the purpose of educational psych evaluations, tips on how to determine if you need to secure one, and debunked some of the stigmas and myths around testing. From my time in the classroom, I’ve read stacks and stacks of ed psychs and it was so helpful to gain a psychologist’s trained perspective on the purpose and intention behind this type of assessment.

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Nutrition and Learning

Our friends at CentreSpring health launched a Brain Boost seminar a couple of weeks ago. Their approach to holistic health is fascinating! We wanted to share some takeaways on supplements to ask your pediatrician about when it comes to prioritizing focus, attention, and working stamina in lower-school kids.

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